• Our Job Fairs are held when requested by employers or partners. These events bring up to 25 companies — and as many as 200 or more newly arrived job seekers from around the world — together in one room to find suitable workers for your specific job openings.

    As an employer, you will meet eager candidates who bring an incredible range of skills and experience. Far better than just gathering applications, you will get to know their personalities and interests.

    To get the most from a TaskforceNL Job Fair, set up your company booth with signage and brochures. These workers are new to Canada and quite possibly have not heard of your company. The more detail you present about specific openings and responsibilities, the more likely you are to find great new workers for your business.

  • A Hiring Blitz is your own in-house Job Fair. TaskforceNL will guide you through each step, helping you create inclusive job postings and promoting your company and Hiring Blitz to newly arrived international job seekers.

    We use a data-driven approach that pulls from our database to find and invite the best matches for your openings, industry, and community.

    We walk you through the details to help ensure a successful hiring event. Ask us about a Hiring Blitz for your business!

  • There is no cost for you to take part in a TaskforceNL Job Fair or to have us host a Hiring Blitz at your location!

    We deliver all the technology and planning at no cost to employers or job seekers, but we encourage you to consider any additional touches that can help make the event a successful endeavor. Signage and brochures, or perhaps food or refreshments, can help create a welcoming and inviting presence. Those would be at your own discretion and would be covered by your own budget. Talk to us for suggestions and details!

  • Typically, a Job Fair or Hiring Blitz will take two weeks, from initial conversation with our team to the day of the event.

    The length of the event itself can vary, but each will typically run for three or four hours.

  • Most of the international workers who have recently arrived in Canada have anywhere from conversational to very fluent written and spoken English skills. Many are highly educated and have studied or worked in English already.

    Those who are not already comfortable with English are already engaged in language training and are highly motivated to learn quickly.

    As well, programs are available to qualifying companies to assist with language training, to make it as easy as possible for you to find workers with the skill sets you need.

  • Employers can apply when each Job Fair is announced, or register to be informed when the next one is planned for your region or industry. You can also directly request a Hiring Blitz at your location.

    We have a limited number of spaces for either, so be sure to contact us soon for more details and to grab your spot!

  • At TaskforceNL we have been building a database of newly arrived workers from Ukraine. Their specific skills sets and education are noted, along with their communities or regions of Newfoundland and Labrador where they are interested in working.

    Each worker is assigned an ID number in the database. However, to ensure confidentiality and privacy, their names and contact info are not listed. As a potential employer, you would give us the ID number of the candidate you are interested in, as well as the details of your specific job opening.

    We would present that to the prospective new hire and, if there is a match, we provide you and the job seeker with each other’s contact info, and connect you both with an introductory email. It’s that quick and easy to find your next worker!

Frequently Asked Questions for Employers & Industry Associations

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